PIBLY Residential Programs, Inc. is a Bronx and Brooklyn-based, not-for-profit, voluntary organization certified by the New York State Office Of Mental Health to operate residential programs which provide rehabilitative and support services to adults suffering from mental illnesses.
PIBLY Residential Programs, Inc. is a voluntary agency thereby requiring that applicants choose to be placed within the agency. It is preferred that consumers participate in some daily activity such as a day program, vocational training, competitive employment, volunteer postition or school.
PIBLY's continuum of care delivery system is integrated within its housing programs and designed to provide services in the following areas:
Daily Living • Skills Socialization • Case Management • Crisis Intervention • Service Planning • Community Integration • Symptom Management • Rehabilitation Counseling • Medication Monitoring • Skill Development • Self-Advocacy • Parenting Training • Health Services • Substance Abuse Counseling
Fee for Services
There is a monthly fee for services which is set by the New York State Office of Mental Health. Residents generally pay this fee from Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Public Assistance (PA) or other benefit programs for which they may be eligible. Persons who are employed and in need of residential rehabilitation are also encouraged to apply.
To be considered for admission, the referring psychiatric professional must make all the arrangement for therapy, medication follow-up, financial support and a community activity. To make a referral, the following information must be submitted: HRA-2010e, approval letter from HRA, current psychosocial and current mental status. No specific referral form is used.
An initial interview will be scheduled to determine if the client is appropriate for the program and its residential components. The referring professional and the client will be notified of the outcome of this interview. If accepted, the client may be placed on a waiting list.

PIBLY only solicits donations from residents or businesses in New York State.